HOWTO: install Surface Morphometrics onto Ubuntu 20.04

Well, one year after the first install on CentOS 7, now we have the opportunity to play with python again and have the updated version running on a LTS Ubuntu system. In principle it’s a python thing, so it should always run. The truth is there are a lot of dependencies that may interfere with existing ones or may be missing because python is a jungle and you need to be a very good programmer to be ready for every possible eventuality. So let’s go. As root (because I want a solution for all my users) I download version 1.1 from here, unzip it and cd into the folder. Let’s create the environment.

$ > conda env create -f environment.yml 
--> takes a little, but it works...
$ > conda activate morphometrics
(morphometrics) $ > pip install -r pip_requirements.txt
... a lot of downloading ...
Downloading types_python_dateutil-XXX.whl (9.7 kB)
Building wheels for collected packages: pyto, pycurv
Successfully built pyto pycurv
Installing collected packages: webencodings, wcwidth, pure-eval
... and a bunch more...
Successfully installed anyio-4.4.0 argon2-cffi-23.1.0
... and a bunch more
WARNING: Running pip as the 'root' user can result i
n broken permissions and conflicting behaviour
with the system package manager.
It is recommended to use a virtual environment

That’s it. Then I log in as user and simply do

user@machine $ > conda activate morphometrics
(morphometrics) user@machine $ >

I must say, the problem seem to be to keep conda envs clean per user. This is an isolation issue, and I’m still fighting to find a proper solution. I’m also fighting with my instinct of sending everything to hell and start a new life as a writer… maybe I will be happier ๐Ÿ˜€

Backposted with the hope of writing something interesting later today ๐Ÿ™‚

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