HOWTO : compile ctffind4 on CentOS 8 stream (automatically)

Ugh. Too much work, too much party, too many meetings. And too few dreams and posts. Anyway. Let’s do this. Warning: this is a log entry, nothing else. I will not explain what CTFFind does, I just want to compile it in my CentOS 8 stream machine, automatically. On this GitHub fork you have the procedure. And it works, it’s that it’s not automatic 🙂

I wrap everything on a script like this:

yum -y install sudo epel-release
yum -y install fftw fftw-devel wxGTK3 wxGTK3-devel libtiff libtiff-devel cmake make gcc git which diffutils gcc-c++ libjpeg-turbo-devel
#cannot wget the file: we get it from the repository
cp /XXX/repos/ctffind-4.1.13.tar /opt/local/software/
cd /opt/local/software/ && tar -xvf ctffind-4.1.13.tar
cd ctffind-4.1.13/
./configure --disable-debugmode
sed -i '/#include "pdb.h"/d' src/core/core_headers.h
sed -i '/#include "water.h"/d' src/core/core_headers.h
rm ctffind-4.1.13.tar

For some reason, at least in my case, wget brings something but it’s not a tarball. So I downloaded it on my network drive (XXX) from the official page and I simply copy it afterwards always from there. Have a nice Monday everyone, if possible.

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