Plotty: a dash docker to plot data with python on a webpage

The sample plot. Image taken from this post.

If I want to be called a data scientist I need to know how to easily show my numbers. This means python, but not only, also an easy way to export in an app your results. I found out that you can achieve most of it with a docker. As usual, I will assume you have a healthy docker environmet. We will follow this github page but you can install it for real if you follow this guide. Actually I would keep both in mind to understand the whole thing. Briefly then:

  1. Clone the repo. git clone
  2. Cd to the folder and build the docker. docker build -f -t docker-dash-example-dev .
  3. Run it. docker run -d -p 8050:8050 -v "$(pwd)"/app:/app --rm docker-dash-example-dev

That’s it. If you go now to http://localhost:8050 you should get a plot similar to the one above. Obviously you don’t want to plot the fruits consumed per american city or whatever that is. I’m pretty sure I don’t need to tell you how to modify that, but there’s that app folder on the thing you donwloaded on step 1. Open and have a look. There you have it! Just modify it according to your needs… 😉…

1 thought on “Plotty: a dash docker to plot data with python on a webpage

  1. Pingback: A python dash web multiplot example reading CSV data | Bits and Dragons

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