HOWTO: Install the latest Eclipse IDE on CentOS 8 stream

I was following this guide, from where I take the picture above. This post is one stupid log of how to do the same for CentOS 8 stream. First we get the java packages:

## > dnf install java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel
Last metadata expiration check: XXX
Dependencies resolved.
Package Architecture Version Repository Size
Installing dependencies:
Install 4 Packages

Now that we have java we just wget the tarball:


Unzip it, and go in

tar -xvf eclipse-java-2023-12-R-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz
cd eclipse

And run it (./eclipse). First time it runs it’s going to ask you for a workspace folder (eclipse-workspace). It throws on terminal/konsole a lot of messages but I get the IDE window, so fine. Extra content: here medium productivity tips and here tutorialtips for eclipse. I’m not sure I’m going to move quickly to this one but I just wanted to know how to run it on CentOS 8 stream. And it runs 🙂